Tuesday, August 20, 2013

WTF is Kismet Junk?

kismet [kiz-mit] 1. fate, destiny. 
junk [juhngk] 1. anything old or discarded, not needed.

Its Saturday afternoon. You are shopping at your favorite thrift store when you turn the corner and spot an amazing bowl. Its as if the spotlights have been perfectly aimed toward this bowl, making it stand out amongst all the others. You remember a recent conversation with your husband questioning the amount of bowls stored in the kitchen cabinets.

But this bowl is unlike any other you have ever seen. Its funky, beautiful, and in terrific condition. Its love at first sight. Its kismet. How is it possible everyone else in the store has managed to overlook this treasure, and, more importantly, how could anyone ever discard this perfect vintage artifact? You stand in the aisle debating if the bowl . Is it a good size? Will it will blend with your decorating scheme? What would you use it for? Is it worth the price on the tag? After pondering the decision and for some unknown reason you decide against the purchase, leaving the beautiful bowl sitting on the store shelf. Later in the day, one nagging thought continues to plague your mind. "I should've bought that bowl. I could've used it on the desk for mail. It would've looked perfect. Darn it!"
(Beware of the could've, would've, should've trap.)
You race back to the store to learn your bowl has been snatched up by some other smart shopper. Sad and disappointed you  begin a journey to find a similar item, yet you are never quite able to find an acceptable replacement. We have all done this. It sucks!

(There is no such thing as junk.)

Now, let's discuss junk. The old adage is: "one man's junk is another's treasure". Its so true.  If you have the creative vision to look at an object and see its potential possibilities, anything can literally be transformed

If an item is old or used doesn't mean it's life is over. Often all that is needed is a little soap and water or a fresh coat of paint. Repurposing an item is a budget friendly alternative to buying new, plus its better for the environment. Why buy new when you can rescue something from taking up landfill space? You will end up with a customized piece rather than something mass produced. Think outside the box. Transform a vintage bird cage into a lamp. Utilize a hope chest as a coffee table. The idea's are endless. Even if creativity doesn't come naturally to you, look online for inspiration.
(Who doesn't love Pinterest?)

Remember: if you like it, use it. There are no rules when decorating. Your home should be a direct reflection of your family. Surround yourself with things you love, mementos that make you smile, and treasures from the past. Your history has made you who you are today. You can't enjoy grandma's china if its collecting dust in the cabinet. Embrace the memories and use the china for dinner tonight!

Now you know WTF Kismet Junk means. Its all about searching for unique items, embracing the journey to reclaim the past, incorporating eclectic elements into your design, and, if needed, repurposing for practical every day use.
(Follow the Kismet Junk blog.)

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